Royal Flush American Hairless Terriers

aht & allergies: The Perfect Solution for Dog Allergy Sufferers

Do you enjoy dogs but struggle with allergies or don’t want to deal with pet hair? We understand the challenges that allergies can bring, and we have a solution for you. Introducing the American Hairless Terrier (AHT) available at Royal Flush. These unique hairless dogs offer the love and vitality of a canine companion without triggering allergies for some or shedding fur and might be ideal for you. 

Understanding Dog Allergies

Allergies to dogs affects an estimated 15% of Americans and over 10 million people in the United States have some form of animal allergy. That is around one in seven persons. This statistic reveals that a large number of people scratch, develop rashes, cough, and sneeze if they are near a dog. If you fall into this group and love animals, you don’t have to give up and be forced to live a life without pets. While there is no dog breed is completely allergy-free, AHTs come close due their minimal hair and dander production. 

The AHT is a top best dog breed for allergy sufferers because they are do not shed hair or produce large amounts of dander. 

What Can Cause Allergies To Dogs? The Culprits: Dog Saliva and Dander

Let’s explore the cause of dog allergies. Protein particles in dog saliva and dander are the primary culprits and make up the bulk of allergies for individuals. When a dog with hair shakes, sheds, or licks themselves, these allergenic particles are left behind and can spread throughout your home.  When exposed to these allergens, people with dog allergies generate an immune response that causes the normal allergy symptoms such as itching, rashes, wheezing, coughing, and sneezing.

The AHT Advantage: Hypoallergenic and Hygienic

Fortunately, AHTs do not shed and are considered a hypoallergenic breed. These dogs are hygienic, virtually odorless, intelligent, devoted, and athletic, making them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. 

Reducing Allergies Risks with AHTs

It’s crucial to remember that no dog is 100% hypoallergenic and most allergies are triggered by dander and saliva rather than hair or fur. However, if you also suffer from asthma, a dog’s fur can be a nightmare bronchial trigger. Keep in mind too, that the hypoallergenicity of a dog might vary, depending on the dog and the person. So while getting a hairless dog like an AHT may not completely solve your allergy issues, it can significantly reduce the risk of allergies or asthma attacks. We at Royal Flush are living proof of that! Dogs with no hair are less likely to harbor loose, saliva-coated hair and and the breed is not known to produce much drool. Therefore, with the right preventative measures, hairless dogs can greatly reduce your chances of experiencing an allergy or asthma attack.

Additionally, AHTs have a coated counterpart with smooth fur, which also has a low allergy potential. The hairless variety’s dander is contained in the oil produced by their skin and since there is no coat to disperse the oil, it reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions and keeps allergens out of the environment. Simply stated, anything that decreases dander, saliva, and dog hair in your home is a benefit.

Maintaining a Low-Allergen Home Environment with Your AHT

In the past, doctors frequently advised people with pet allergies to give up their dogs. Dog lovers, on the other hand, are aware that canines become members of your family and most would go to any lengths to keep their pets. Pet allergens can be found anywhere, including in the houses of individuals who don’t own pets, so getting rid of your dog is also unlikely to fix the problem.

To further minimize allergens in your home, consider implementing these simple suggestions alongside your AHT companion. 

  1. Paw Care: Clean your dog’s paws to remove dirt and saliva from your their feet. Use paw wipes designed for allergies or a damp disposable cloth with a little gentle soap and water will do the trick.
  2. Targeted Cleaning: Regularly clean your dog’s body parts that are most likely to come into contact with allergens such as the feet and underbelly. Many people with dog allergies also have allergies to pollen or mold spores that accompany the dog into the house. Particles can adhere to your dog’s fur when walking through the grass, rolling in the flower bed, or even just relaxing on the patio. Your king will track fewer allergies indoors if you wipe him down with a moist cloth before he enters. Dog wipes are often found to be practical to use, especially when kept by the rear door.
  3. Home Care Measures: Adopt healthier home care measures such as using filters specifically made to lessen airborne allergens and frequently changing the air filters in your home.  Vacuum your rugs and floors regularly and damp-mop ceramic, laminate, vinyl, and wooden floors.  Keep your dog in areas of the house that can be thoroughly cleaned.
  4. Bedding Protection: Considering covering your mattress with vinyl cover and replacing all of your bedding regularly to minimize allergen buildup. 
  5. Dog Clothing: Another way to minimize allergens is by dressing your AHT dog in clothing. Not only does it protect the dog from the elements and add a touch of style, but it also helps to prevent loose hair and dander from spreading around the house. 

Discover Your Perfect Hypoallergenic Companion at Royal Flush

At Royal Flush, we understand the importance of finding a dog that fits your lifestyle and doesn’t exacerbate your allergies. Our AHTs provide a wonderful opportunity to experience the joy and companionship of a dog without compromising your well-being. So if you are ready to welcome an AHT into your life, click here to Find Your Perfect Match Today!